How To Clear A Lawn


As we have been talking about previously, it is typical for growing areas and gardens to fill with herbs and plants that we have not sown and grow freely. If we do not clear the plots regularly, these grasses could take root and grow stronger, further damaging our lawns, flowers, or plants.

With a clearing of plots, we managed to eliminate them. Besides, this will also bring us another series of benefits in more open spaces, such as the prevention of forest fires. A lawn restoration fishers in service is ideal to deal with multiple challenges you face.

At, we usually carry out this service within the maintenance of neighborhood communities. The clearing of the land is a fundamental task to keep the gardens in perfect condition all year round, especially in summer. Since the accumulation of leaves, Insects, and high temperatures can cause fires, pests, and infections, which can spread throughout the area. We guarantee a complete service with the best results

.When we startup, we can choose two options: do it manually or use machinery.

If we opt for the manual, we will use sickles or hoes to make it easier for us to cut and remove these herbs. The main disadvantage of clearing the lawn manually is that it takes a more significant amount of time and physical wear and tear. 

As a counterpoint to manual work, mechanical brush cutters will be handy when carrying out this work.

These machines were initially intended almost exclusively for professionals. But with the passage of time and the rise of interest in gardening in individuals, they can be found at an affordable price in any specialized store.

They are machines made up of an engine that can be either electric or gasoline. There are different types of heads, which we will exchange depending on the weed we are facing. A nylon string head will suffice for the weakest, while for more resistant bushes or bushes, we will have to opt for a serrated steel disk.

In this way, we will be able to clear plots perfectly, uproot, and reach corners where lawnmowers do not allow us to reach accurately.


Five Tips To Keep In Mind When Clearing A Plot

Security Measures

To make correct use and avoid scares when clearing plots with a brush cutter, make sure to wear-resistant gloves and shoes, as well as protective glasses to avoid mishaps.

Make sure there are no debris or rocks that can jump out. It is advisable to maintain a safe distance of about 15 meters from other people.

Mowing The Lawn Correctly.

As a preventive measure, make sure the grass is cut to the correct length, not too long and not too short. Failure to do so can encourage weeds to grow faster and more robust.

Starts In The Center

When getting down to work with clearing plots, it is preferable to start in the center and gradually work towards the sides.

Don’t Let The Weeds Grow.

It is vital to uproot them. If we don’t uproot them, they will grow back stronger.


When finishing the work with our brush cutter, removing the remains and not leaving the remains piled-up is crucial. We can remove the remains by using a blowing machine or directly a rake.
