3 Ways in Which a Real Estate Agent Can Help Buyers in Montreal Post COVID-19


Having a house in Montreal is a blessing. It’s one of the prettiest and safest places in Canada. Usually labeled as the most affordable abode in Canada, the prices of properties are going up in Montreal post COVID-19 pandemic. So, does it mean the end to your dream of buying a home in Montreal? Well, the answer is no if you choose the right realtor such as Anthony D’Anello working for you.

Wondering what the difference is if the market is going on a tizzy and property prices are rising? If yes, this guide will be a delight to read. Have a look!

Experienced Realtors Know The Area Better Than Everybody Else

You can check out the listings on the websites of many realtors, but very few real estate agents like courtier immobilier Anthony D’Anello are aware of listings that might not be visible on the web. It means you’ll have access to see the properties you wouldn’t have known otherwise.

Experienced Realtors Know How to Make Dealings

Whilst property rates are witnessing an all-time high in Montreal, but, when the agent working for you is right, they know the middle ground to find you the most suitable match.

For instance, if you wanted a house in the main city earlier but you can’t afford it any longer, realtors such as Anthony D’Anello have many suggestions and options:

  1. They ask your primary reason that you wanted a house at a prime location – was it because it was close to your office or close to good schools? Based on whatever your priority was, they find the best match.
  2. If your budget doesn’t allow you to buy what you wanted in the first place, elite real estate agents have listings for many other condos in equally good areas with every amenity you were looking for.

So, an experienced real estate agent is your only chance at affording a house in Montreal post-COVID, without compromising with your needs and budget.

Nobody Can Take Them For a Ride

Sellers can, and will, fool you for getting more money than their property is worth, but it’s impossible to fool somebody as up-to-date, experienced, and passionate as Anthony D’Anello. Going out in the market without an experienced agent to bargain and negotiate on your behalf is budget suicide.

So, no matter what, paying some amount to a real estate agent never goes in vain. These people are your eyes, ears, and voice in the real estate market that’s cruel.
