A Guide on the Importance of Picking an Experienced Architect for Industrial Construction 


Architects play the most significant part in determining the fate of commercial projects of all types and sizes. They are the professionals that are fully aware of what goes into making a building appealing, creative, unique, and practical. Besides, a blueprint is not just a drawing. It is a carefully curated mathematical document that offers specifics about every angle, every corner, and every pillar that’ll go into supporting the actual structure. A single error in calculation makes the design impractical and such a design doesn’t get an approval by the government. 

Architecture firms like architecte commercial Stendel Reich are some of the leading firms in Canada that have successfully completed some of the most prestigious buildings across the entire country. The ones that have all the features that a modern commercial building should have are as follows. 

  1. Distribution Centers – Jean Coutu in Hawkesbury, Ontario (a project worth $15,000,000 built on 275,000 square feet) and Provigo in Quebec (a project worth $55,000,000 built on 550,000 square feet). 
  2. Shopping Malls – Harden and smart centers in different parts of Quebec and Ontario. 
  3. Retail Stores – Sportium in Kirkland, Quebec (a project worth 10,400,000 built on 50,000) and Sail in Terrebone, Quebec (a project worth $45,000,000).
  4. Office Buildings – 7101 Ave. du of the Park in Montreal, Quebec (a project worth $25,000,000 built on 362,400 square feet) and 7575 Cote Vertu in Montreal (a project worth $750,000).

Having said that, the primary reason that these complexes and projects turned out to be a smash success is that the architects that designed these buildings were highly experienced people. Some of the services that such elite architects offer are listed below. Have a look! 

  • Responsible architects never leave their clients hanging. When they make a design, they make it their duty to get that design approved by the state officials. 
  • Creative architects that are brilliant with calculations are able to come up with designs that offer a lot of space to accommodate and expand the machinery, if needed in the future.
  • Designs by such talented architects are made while keeping in mind that the buildings have to have a proper ventilation system and should be installed with modern fixtures that can support all kinds of modern devices. 
  • Such brilliant architects offer their clients guidance services like site supervision.
  • Last, reputable architects are able to understand the kind of money that’ll go into the completion of a project. Thus, they are the pros that must inform you about the kind of budget you’re looking at.

All in all, the experience of architects is the backbone of every commercial building design since these architects are truly capable of mingling creativity with mathematics, numbers, and calculations. 

