Bathroom Trends 2020


Bathroom renovation requires you to be extremely careful. It is necessary that you design everything carefully. The bathroom design trends have come a long way, which is why you will need to analyze the designs. You can look up the internet for checking trends regarding the patterns, prints and textures or you can engage reliable interior designers like Beautiful Homes to help you. The sink varieties too have an important role to play. 

The hottest designs are always available in the market and it eventually changes with time. Instagram and Pinterest can be great sources of inspiration for finding the perfect bathroom design. Well, if you have been considering bathroom renovation, here are some of the trends that you should consider.

  • Black is the new grey

Gone are the times of grey. Previous year, bathroom renovation is all about grey, but now it’s black. We are shifting our focus from simple, light colors to bold, dark colors. No doubt grey is great, but isn’t black just the greatest? Black can make anything go from boring to bragging, so make sure to include black in your kitchen this year. 

  • Brass and gold are making a vintage comeback

Aren’t we all looking forward to a vintage, classic comeback? That’s what gold and brass are doing. This year, the sinks, toilets and almost everything in the bathroom is about brass and gold tints. It’s time that you move past the old memories and get your hands on brass and gold elements. Furthermore, a finished option such as spun gold, matte and satin can offer a better look. 

  • Wide range of tile patterns and shapes

The technology has played an important role in easing things for manufacturers. The manufacturers can make use of the technology to create extensive designs and shapes even in the simplest tiles. You can go beyond graphics and colors to find out the best. A few designs on the subway format tile or large format tile can help you get the best idea. Also, if your bathroom floor looks the best with shower walls and backsplashes, you can always create the accent you want. 

  • Wood accents are back

Wooden accents are a great trend setter. They can play an important role in making your house appear warm. Well, it is available in different shades such as green, blue and even dark colored. As a result, you can choose from the ones that are the most convenient to you. 

Ceramique murale has a range of tiles that can make your work easy. Browse the website and find the best option for you.
